The choice of a name
Every Lodge under the jurisdiction of the United Grand Lodge of England must be distinguished by a name as well as a number, and the name of Sterndale Bennett, the Composer, seemed the obvious choice considering that:-
The Orpheus Lodge No. 1706 (our mother lodge), a musical Lodge, sponsored the petition
All petitioners were musical brethren
The Master designate held the degree of Musical Doctor
The Master designate had been a pupil of Sir William Sterndale Bennett

Whether Sir William Sterndale Bennett was a Freemason or not, and there is no evidence to substantiate this either way, his way of life expressed those virtues which we as Freemasons practice, and so much admire in others.
The Brethren can take just pride in the name 'Sterndale Bennett' chosen by the founder members of the Lodge.
The consecration of the Lodge took place at the Surrey Masonic Hall, Camberwell New Road, on Friday 17th December 1886.
There were 19 Petitioners, 9 Joining Members, and 73 Visiting Brethren present.
During the first nineteen years of it's existence, the lodge met at the Surrey Masonic Hall on the first Saturday's of January, March, July, and November. Since then, there have been several changes in venue, but on January 7th, 1966, and by special dispensation, the lodge made history, and for the first time, held it's Regular Meeting (installation), at Freemasons Hall, Great queens Street, london.
During almost 130 years of the existence of the Lodge, there have been created but four Daughter Lodges:-
Parsifal Lodge No.5655 (Middlesex)
It was at the Golden Jubilee Meeting on the 2nd January, 1937 that the petition was presented by W.Bro. Arthur E. Lovegrove.
Pyramid Lodge No.5718
In the following year a petition was put forward by W. Bro. Arthur Lovegrove for the creation of the second Daughter Lodge and was consecrated on April 30th, 1938
St. Cecilia Lodge No.6190
A petition was put forward on July 7th, 1945 by W. Bro. R. S. Rivers for the formation of a third Daughter Lodge, and it was consecrated in November, 1945.
Lambhythe Lodge No.6763
A petition was submitted September 1948 by W. Bro. Arthur Lovegrove, and seconded by W. Bro. Alfred Lovegrove for the formation of this our fourth Daughter Lodge. The consecration duly took place in 1949.
Ballots for candidates
Records reveal that on January 19th, 1893 that at an Emergency Meeting two candidates for initiation were rejected by Ballot. In each case there were three 'black balls'. It is laconically recorded in the minutes that:- 'The Worshipful Master having expressed regret and sympathy with the proposors and seconders, the Lodge Meeting was closed, and with the exception of four, dined without Masonic ceremony, inviting the rejected candidates to dine with them.
Special Dispensation
January meetings of the Lodge were regularly disrupted by inclement weather, and due to the abnormal weather conditions prevailing on the day of the January 1982 Installation Meeting, Special Dispensation was granted by the Grand Secretary to postpone the Meeting until Saturday 30th January, 1982.
Since then our January meeting has been held on the fourth Saturday in January.